• Thanks to our participants!
    Cash Quest will return in 2022!

    $10,000 Grand Prize

  • 12 Hidden treasures worth $1200 dollars in cash combined
  • 12 Secret locations across the Greater St. Louis MSA
  • 12 YouTube video quest lines / Clue Videos
    Released July 1st
  • 8 Weeks of extraordinary treasure hunting

Clue Video Release Date: July 1st 10:02am CST

  • Team registration begins 11:59p CST on June 1st.
  • Team registration ends June 15th at 11:59pm CST.
  • Teams are limited to 6 people.
  • Once a team is registered, the team cannot be altered in any way.
    Any alteration of team members will disqualify the team from winning the Grand Prize.
  • Individuals can enter the game at any time.
  • Cash Quest will begin July 1st 2021 10:01am CST.
  • Cash Quest will end August 31st 2021 11:59pm CST.

If/when talking or interacting with strangers, business owners, or community workers, all participants must be polite and respectful. We do not want any complaints that may ruin the treasure hunt for other participants or teams.

Hidden treasure finds can be cashed out immediately by following directions inside the individual treasure

  • Grand Prize of $10,000.00
  • Any individual or team that finds and recovers 10 of the 12 hidden treasures will be eligible to win the grand prize of $10,000.00.
  • If no one finds 10 treasures to claim the grand prize, we will have a consolation prize drawing. 10 envelopes with a secret multiplier inside, from 1-10 so if the person or team with the most found treasure boxes pulls an envelope they will increase their prize found by the multiplier inside the envelope they pull.
  • In case of a tie, the winner will be the first individual or team to submit their findings base on their submission timestamp.
  • Team or Individuals must report found treasures within 24 hours of discovery to qualify.
  1. To qualify for Grand Prize, when treasure is found, finder must take a selfie with three components in photo, self/treasure/hiding spot. In addition, finder must take screen shot of google or apple maps pinpointing location.
  2. To qualify for Grand Prize one person or one team must locate 10 of the 12 hidden treasures and document as specified in #1.
  3. Automatic disqualification for Cheating, Stealing, Sabotaging, Trespassing, Criminal Activity, Collusion with Opposing Teams, Breaking the Law in any way.
  4. These rules are the rules, the decision of the Wildlife Command Center, the event host, is final.